Monday, May 19, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 002

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on Linux Environment variables.

Update : Added Solutions

  1. How can variables defined in one Bash Shell script be made visible in its child Bash Shell script ?
      • You need to export the variable in the parent Bash Shell Script, for the variables to be visible in its child Bash Shell script.

  2. How can one find out the type of the Shell he/she is using ?
      • echo $SHELL

  3. Name the C function call that can be used in a C program to fetch the value of a Shell Environment variable
      • getenv()

  4. One can use "printenv" command to list all the Global Environment variables, but what command can we use to list the Local Environment Variables ?
      • You can use "set". But, it list all the environment variables, global and local. You will have to write a Shell Script to prune out Global environment variables from the output of "set" to derive the final list of Local Environment variables. Local environment variables are the variables that are local to the current shell.

  5. How can you find out the current Bash Shell's parent process id ?
      • echo $PPID

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