Monday, June 30, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 007

Fancy your Linux Administration skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions related to everyday tasks of Linux Administration.

Winner : Congratulations to Sankar P for getting the highest number [ 2 ] of correct solutions.

  1. How do you restore GRUB bootloader to MBR of your primary hard disk ?
      • grub-install /dev/sda

  2. What does initrd contain ?
      • It contains the initial RAM disk, i.e., the initial root file system that is mounted prior to locating the real root file system

  3. How do you unpack the contents of an RPM without installing it ?
      • rpm2cpio | copi -id

  4. What is the maximum number of primary partitions you can have on a hard disk ?
      • 4

  5. How to boot into single user mode using the GRUB boot loader ?
      • After selecting the kernel you are interested to boot into, edit the kernel command line and add “S” to the end of the kernel command

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1428

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

User Tips for switching to Ubuntu

  • [ ] 
  • If you are not using Linux but are intrigued by your peers who use Linux and are wondering what this fuss is all about, then this link is a good read for you. You will learn to ask yourselves a good amount of hard questions. The answers to which will make you transition to Linux a pleasure.
Skype 4.3 for Linux is released
Building an online Open Source Community
  • ]
  • If you are into creating new open source products, then this article will provide you with the right information that you will need to build a developer community around your product. The only sure shot way of increasing the adoption of your open source product is to build a developer community around it. And this article explains the procedure to building a developer community for your product.
Linux Mint 17 KDE has been released
  • Earlier I had mentioned about Linux Mint Cinnamon being released. This time it is the KDE version of Linux Mint. It boasts of an improved Update Manager, and Driver Manager with some beautiful collection of background images for your desktop.
Installing MATE on Ubuntu 14.04
Crazy things that people create
  • Do you know that there are some people who want to be able to access search engines from Linux Command Line ? Well, don't be surprised for not knowing that there exist such users, but be surprised to know that there plenty of tools that actually serve this purpose !!!
  • ]
  • Do you fear VIM ? Ever wondered why a word processor should be so difficult to learn ? Well, then you are in for a big surprise. Learning vim, infact, mastering vim isn't that tough at all. It is rather quite simple. You only need to tune yourself to that VIM paradigm of looking at your files. This article will be of great help to you, to just dive into VIM and master it
  • ]
  • Do you find yourself wondering about how to draw electrical circuits, flow diagrams, class diagrams, mathematical functions on Linux ? Well, look no further. This article below, gives you the right set of tools that you can use on Linux for the right set of diagrams
  • ]
Leisure read

Monday, June 23, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 006

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on Linux Abbreviations

Update : Added solutions

  1. What does the shell environment variable IFS stand for ?
      • Internal Field Separator

  2. What does APT in apt-get command stand for ?
      • Advanced Packaging Tool

  3. Often Linux distributions are accompanied with a EULA. What does EULA stand for ?
      • End User License Agreement

  4. What does CUPS stand for in Linux ?
      • Common Unix Printing System

  5. What does DMZ in context with Linux Security stand for ?
      • DeMilitarised Zone

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1427

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

  • [ ] Quite an interesting piece of software. Still in the development phase. But, I see this having a lot of potential to become the backend for a great voice recognition tool for Linux. You will then no longer need to remember Linux commands to execute on the shell. Just say it and it gets done for you :-) .. and probably, taking it a bit more further, you just think and it gets done for you :-)

Monday, June 16, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 005

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on Linux commands.

Update : Added Solutions

  1. What does the command units do ?
      • It is a program to convert quantities expressed in one scale to another. Ex : meters to miles

  2. What happens if I apply the sticky bit to a directory ?
      • You make the files in that directory “sticky”. In the sense, users cannot delete the files in that directory. Only the root user can delete the files. Ex : /tmp directory

  3. How do you print the reverse of your username on Linux ?
      • whoami | rev

  4. How do you find out the most commonly used command by a given user ?
      • hash | sort -r | head

  5. What is the difference in the output of these two commands : echo * and ls -R ?
      • echo * : Lists all the files in the current directory and all its sub directories ls -R : Lists all the files and folders in the current directory and all its sub directories

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1426

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

RHEL 7.0 released

  • [
  • Whether you use Ubuntu or some other Linux distribution, this article mentions a good list of must have applications. Once you find your set of applications, you can always find out how to install them for your favourite distribution. This article is a good place to start for Linux newbies.
  • ]
  • If you like playing around with partition tables and multi-booting various distros and Operating Systems on your machine, I am sure you must have come across some problems while loading GRUB. Here is a simple article that explains you on what to do when 2 such problems happen. Its a simple article that also gives you a good heads up on getting comfortable with GRUB 2
  • ]
  • This is a pretty detailed hand-holding article that takes you through your first Linux Kernel Module. For all of you who are keen to start getting involved into Linux Kernel, this is a good way to get a feel of what things would be in the land of Kernel Development. Try it out and feel energised to make your mark on the Linux Kernel.

Monday, June 9, 2014

[Solved] PERL Programming Challenge

Fancy your PERL programming skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on PERL.
Update : Added solutions

  1. How do I eliminate the newline character from the input variable $age in PERL ?
      • chomp($age);

  2. Write a PERL one-liner to convert tab spaces in a file called tabs.txt to one space each
      • perl -pe 's/\t/ /g' tabs.txt;

  3. How do you empty the contents of an array called : myarray in PERL?
      • $#myarray = -1;

  4. How do I append a new line containing the text “Get water” before the 3rd line of a file : todo.txt using PERL ?
      • perl -pe 'print "Get water\n" if $. == 3’ todo.txt;

  5. How do you download the contents of a URL with PERL ?
      • By using [ Perl Module ]
      • use LWP::Simple;
      • $webdata = get ‘';

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1425

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

  • : For all you GTD aficionados, this article should give you a good repository of tools that you can use for managing your time and tasks on your workstation. Though it says that it is for Fedora, I think most of the apps can be found on other distributions as well. But, then, when it comes to preparing lists like these, remember that the main intention of preparing these lists is to "reduce" them !!! So, don't waste time fidgeting with the broken apps, go get yourself a piece of pen and paper, and start finishing off things from the list.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1424

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

  • Came across a short and sweet article that describes the simple steps to installing printers on your Linux machine, be it a local printer or a network printer. Read it to find out how simple the entire process is
The Linux Foundation will pay you for working on Open Source Projects

  • Yea, you read it correct. They will pay you. The Linux Foundation has decided to fund some selected, highly critical projects. This seems to have been triggered by the HeartBleed bug. I see this as a good way to avoid future HeartBleeds. The first projects selected for audit are OpenSSL, OpenSSH and NTP
  • This is first major release after 5.18 and has been released after 12 months of hard work. Next release is planned for May 2015.

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 004

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer what these 5 commonly used abbreviations of Linux stand for

Winner : Congratulations to Sankar P for getting the highest number [ 4 ] of correct solutions.

  1. What does the Linux command TAR stand for ?
      • Tape ARchive

  2. What does the Linux command GREP stand for ?
      • Global ( search for ) Regular Expressions and Print

  3. What does the Linux command CHMOD stand for ?
      • CHange MODe

  4. What does the Linux command BC stand for ?
      • Basic Calculator

  5. What does the Linux command AWK stand for ?
      • Aho, Weinberger and Kernighan. It is named after the names of its authors : Al Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan