Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week.
History of OpenSource
History of OpenSource
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- A lovely pictorial representation of how things have evolved on the OpenSource highway. I bet it misses a few things, but a good overall pictorial view none the less
City of Turin decides to replace Windows with Linux
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- After Munich, this time its Turin, a city in Italy, that plans to migrate 8,300 [ government ] PCs from Windows to Linux
Understanding LogRotate
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- Logrotate is one of your best friends if you are a Linux Administrator. This simple article explains the usage of this essential Linux service in very simple terms.
Using systemd
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- Whether you like it or not, you got to use systemd when that happens to be on the system you are diagnosing. This article gives you a very brief overview of what to do when you are confronted with a system running systemd. If you feel puzzled at reading the word "systemd", then read this article to understand what systemd is all about [ ]
Teaching Linux to kids
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- A lovely, cute video series that tries its hands at teaching [ rather, introducing should be the right word ] Linux to kids