Monday, September 22, 2014

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1440

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week.

History of OpenSource

City of Turin decides to replace Windows with Linux
Understanding LogRotate
Using systemd
Teaching Linux to kids

Monday, September 1, 2014

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1437

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week.

Useful CLI Tools For Linux Sys Admins

A Complete Beginner's Guide to Linux
Choosing a Linux Desktop
Elementary OS's Pantheon Desktop Review
Krita Photo Editor
Network Admin's master tool : netstat
systemd 261 released

Monday, August 11, 2014

[Solved] Linux Kernel Challenge : 001

Fancy your Linux Kernel Programming skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions related to Linux Kernel Programming.

Update : Added Solutions

  1. What is the latest mainline version of Linux Kernel [ as of 11-Aug-2014 ] ?
      • 3.16 : Ref :

  2. What is the file extension of a Linux Kernel module ?
      • .ko

  3. Which Linux Kernel function corresponds to the insmod user function ?
      • module_init()

  4. Which kernel functions would use in your kernel module to allocate and free memory ?
      • kmalloc() : to allocate memory in kernel address space
      • kfree() : to free memory in kernel address space

  5. What does COW stand for w.r.t Linux Kernel ?
      • Copy On Write :
      • Its an efficient method of copying, where a resource of a page is shared without making a copy of it, until an attempt to write is made. Only then is a duplicate copy made, and all subsequent writes happen on the copy.

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1434

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week.

2014 Linux Training Scholarship Program

KNOPPIX 7.4.0 released
  • [ ]
  • The good old Linux on CD program that I first heard of, viz., KNOPPIX has released its latest version 7.4.0 that uses Linux Kernel 3.15.6 and comes built-in with tons of softwares that can run on LXDE, KDE or GNOME desktop environments.
Exciting features merged so far in Linux Kernel 3.17
  • ]
  • Linux Kernel 3.17 release is still a few months away, but there are already a bunch of very exciting features already included in it. Some noteworthy features included are new features for Samsung Flash-Friendly File System, support for plenty of new ARM hardware, Intel Braswell audio support, and others
Oracle delivers Solaris 11.2
Docker comes to OpenSuSE

Better Security with Proper Management of Open Source

Monday, August 4, 2014

[Solved] Linux Programming Challenge : 001

Fancy your Linux Programming skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions related to Linux System and Linux Programming.

Update : Solutions added

  1. If getppid() returns the parent process id, what does getepid() return ?
      • Effective user id

  2. Which daemon is used to update log files on a Linux system ?
      • syslogd

  3. Which is the only directory [ filesystem ] on a Linux machine that does not exist on the hard disk ?
      • The proc filesystem that resides at /proc

  4. Will a hardlink have an inode number different from the inode of the file it links to ? Or is this the case with a soft link ?
      • Hardlink and the file it links to use the same inode number
      • Softlink and the file it links to use different inode numbers

  5. What is the default file permission of all newly created files when the umask is 0755 ?
      • 022 [ only group users and others can write to this file !!! ]

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1433

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week.

Fedora Security Team

Valencia Linux School distro saves € 36 million

Zorin OS 9 : Linux for Windows Users

  • [ ]
  • A very detailed and descriptive review of Zorin OS9. Makes me try it. Sounds definitely like a perfect OS for users migrating from Windows world. It has various look and feel defined as "Windows XP Look", "Windows 7 Look" and "Gnome 2" look. And all of this comes with the added security that frees you from the shackles of Antivirus updations. What more can a user ask for ?
KDE Plasma 5 released
LibreOffice 4.3 released
LXLE 14.04 Released
Do you Cheat on Linux ?

Monday, June 30, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 007

Fancy your Linux Administration skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions related to everyday tasks of Linux Administration.

Winner : Congratulations to Sankar P for getting the highest number [ 2 ] of correct solutions.

  1. How do you restore GRUB bootloader to MBR of your primary hard disk ?
      • grub-install /dev/sda

  2. What does initrd contain ?
      • It contains the initial RAM disk, i.e., the initial root file system that is mounted prior to locating the real root file system

  3. How do you unpack the contents of an RPM without installing it ?
      • rpm2cpio | copi -id

  4. What is the maximum number of primary partitions you can have on a hard disk ?
      • 4

  5. How to boot into single user mode using the GRUB boot loader ?
      • After selecting the kernel you are interested to boot into, edit the kernel command line and add “S” to the end of the kernel command

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1428

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

User Tips for switching to Ubuntu

  • [ ] 
  • If you are not using Linux but are intrigued by your peers who use Linux and are wondering what this fuss is all about, then this link is a good read for you. You will learn to ask yourselves a good amount of hard questions. The answers to which will make you transition to Linux a pleasure.
Skype 4.3 for Linux is released
Building an online Open Source Community
  • ]
  • If you are into creating new open source products, then this article will provide you with the right information that you will need to build a developer community around your product. The only sure shot way of increasing the adoption of your open source product is to build a developer community around it. And this article explains the procedure to building a developer community for your product.
Linux Mint 17 KDE has been released
  • Earlier I had mentioned about Linux Mint Cinnamon being released. This time it is the KDE version of Linux Mint. It boasts of an improved Update Manager, and Driver Manager with some beautiful collection of background images for your desktop.
Installing MATE on Ubuntu 14.04
Crazy things that people create
  • Do you know that there are some people who want to be able to access search engines from Linux Command Line ? Well, don't be surprised for not knowing that there exist such users, but be surprised to know that there plenty of tools that actually serve this purpose !!!
  • ]
  • Do you fear VIM ? Ever wondered why a word processor should be so difficult to learn ? Well, then you are in for a big surprise. Learning vim, infact, mastering vim isn't that tough at all. It is rather quite simple. You only need to tune yourself to that VIM paradigm of looking at your files. This article will be of great help to you, to just dive into VIM and master it
  • ]
  • Do you find yourself wondering about how to draw electrical circuits, flow diagrams, class diagrams, mathematical functions on Linux ? Well, look no further. This article below, gives you the right set of tools that you can use on Linux for the right set of diagrams
  • ]
Leisure read

Monday, June 23, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 006

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on Linux Abbreviations

Update : Added solutions

  1. What does the shell environment variable IFS stand for ?
      • Internal Field Separator

  2. What does APT in apt-get command stand for ?
      • Advanced Packaging Tool

  3. Often Linux distributions are accompanied with a EULA. What does EULA stand for ?
      • End User License Agreement

  4. What does CUPS stand for in Linux ?
      • Common Unix Printing System

  5. What does DMZ in context with Linux Security stand for ?
      • DeMilitarised Zone

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1427

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

  • [ ] Quite an interesting piece of software. Still in the development phase. But, I see this having a lot of potential to become the backend for a great voice recognition tool for Linux. You will then no longer need to remember Linux commands to execute on the shell. Just say it and it gets done for you :-) .. and probably, taking it a bit more further, you just think and it gets done for you :-)

Monday, June 16, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 005

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on Linux commands.

Update : Added Solutions

  1. What does the command units do ?
      • It is a program to convert quantities expressed in one scale to another. Ex : meters to miles

  2. What happens if I apply the sticky bit to a directory ?
      • You make the files in that directory “sticky”. In the sense, users cannot delete the files in that directory. Only the root user can delete the files. Ex : /tmp directory

  3. How do you print the reverse of your username on Linux ?
      • whoami | rev

  4. How do you find out the most commonly used command by a given user ?
      • hash | sort -r | head

  5. What is the difference in the output of these two commands : echo * and ls -R ?
      • echo * : Lists all the files in the current directory and all its sub directories ls -R : Lists all the files and folders in the current directory and all its sub directories

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1426

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

RHEL 7.0 released

  • [
  • Whether you use Ubuntu or some other Linux distribution, this article mentions a good list of must have applications. Once you find your set of applications, you can always find out how to install them for your favourite distribution. This article is a good place to start for Linux newbies.
  • ]
  • If you like playing around with partition tables and multi-booting various distros and Operating Systems on your machine, I am sure you must have come across some problems while loading GRUB. Here is a simple article that explains you on what to do when 2 such problems happen. Its a simple article that also gives you a good heads up on getting comfortable with GRUB 2
  • ]
  • This is a pretty detailed hand-holding article that takes you through your first Linux Kernel Module. For all of you who are keen to start getting involved into Linux Kernel, this is a good way to get a feel of what things would be in the land of Kernel Development. Try it out and feel energised to make your mark on the Linux Kernel.

Monday, June 9, 2014

[Solved] PERL Programming Challenge

Fancy your PERL programming skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on PERL.
Update : Added solutions

  1. How do I eliminate the newline character from the input variable $age in PERL ?
      • chomp($age);

  2. Write a PERL one-liner to convert tab spaces in a file called tabs.txt to one space each
      • perl -pe 's/\t/ /g' tabs.txt;

  3. How do you empty the contents of an array called : myarray in PERL?
      • $#myarray = -1;

  4. How do I append a new line containing the text “Get water” before the 3rd line of a file : todo.txt using PERL ?
      • perl -pe 'print "Get water\n" if $. == 3’ todo.txt;

  5. How do you download the contents of a URL with PERL ?
      • By using [ Perl Module ]
      • use LWP::Simple;
      • $webdata = get ‘';

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1425

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

  • : For all you GTD aficionados, this article should give you a good repository of tools that you can use for managing your time and tasks on your workstation. Though it says that it is for Fedora, I think most of the apps can be found on other distributions as well. But, then, when it comes to preparing lists like these, remember that the main intention of preparing these lists is to "reduce" them !!! So, don't waste time fidgeting with the broken apps, go get yourself a piece of pen and paper, and start finishing off things from the list.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1424

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

  • Came across a short and sweet article that describes the simple steps to installing printers on your Linux machine, be it a local printer or a network printer. Read it to find out how simple the entire process is
The Linux Foundation will pay you for working on Open Source Projects

  • Yea, you read it correct. They will pay you. The Linux Foundation has decided to fund some selected, highly critical projects. This seems to have been triggered by the HeartBleed bug. I see this as a good way to avoid future HeartBleeds. The first projects selected for audit are OpenSSL, OpenSSH and NTP
  • This is first major release after 5.18 and has been released after 12 months of hard work. Next release is planned for May 2015.

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 004

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer what these 5 commonly used abbreviations of Linux stand for

Winner : Congratulations to Sankar P for getting the highest number [ 4 ] of correct solutions.

  1. What does the Linux command TAR stand for ?
      • Tape ARchive

  2. What does the Linux command GREP stand for ?
      • Global ( search for ) Regular Expressions and Print

  3. What does the Linux command CHMOD stand for ?
      • CHange MODe

  4. What does the Linux command BC stand for ?
      • Basic Calculator

  5. What does the Linux command AWK stand for ?
      • Aho, Weinberger and Kernighan. It is named after the names of its authors : Al Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan

Monday, May 26, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 003

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on Linux Shell Scripting.

Update : Added solutions

  1. What command(s) would you use to extract the 3 words in the string “The boy laughed” ?
      • There are many variants for this. One of the solutions is as follows :
      • echo $string | cut -d” “ -f1 ; echo $string | cut -d” “ -f2 ; echo $string | cut -d” “ -f3
      • Do let me know about other possible ways to solve this through your comments to this post

  2. What command(s) would you use to fetch only the 6th and 7th lines of a text file : poem.txt
      • This also has many variants. One of the solutions is as follows :
      • head -n 7 poem.txt | tail -2
      • Do let me know about other possible ways to solve this through your comments to this post

  3. What command(s) would you use to delete all empty/blank lines in a file : data.txt
      • grep -v ‘^$’ data.txt

  4. What does the following sed command do ? : sed -n ‘/[0-9]/p’ data.txt
      • Prints only those lines that have a numerical in them.

  5. What command(s) would you use to count the number of files ending with .log in /var/log directory and also have the word “error” in their contents ?
      • grep -l error /var/log/*.log

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1423

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

  • That link takes to a small presentation on how Linux Mint looks. It is touted as the best alternative for people accustomed to using Windows desktop. This is on my next list of distributions to try. You should be hearing from me on how true that earlier claim is. Linux Mint 17 can be downloaded from : 
  • Another dock and application launcher for Linux. Can be installed on latest Ubuntu 14.04 as well. Boast of increasing productivity when it comes to launching applications and finding files on your system. Try it out and let me know if it really helps you improve your productivity. I am planning to put this to test myself.
 ∅  ∅ Not a very happening week in the Linux world I suppose.  ∅  ∅

Monday, May 19, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 002

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on Linux Environment variables.

Update : Added Solutions

  1. How can variables defined in one Bash Shell script be made visible in its child Bash Shell script ?
      • You need to export the variable in the parent Bash Shell Script, for the variables to be visible in its child Bash Shell script.

  2. How can one find out the type of the Shell he/she is using ?
      • echo $SHELL

  3. Name the C function call that can be used in a C program to fetch the value of a Shell Environment variable
      • getenv()

  4. One can use "printenv" command to list all the Global Environment variables, but what command can we use to list the Local Environment Variables ?
      • You can use "set". But, it list all the environment variables, global and local. You will have to write a Shell Script to prune out Global environment variables from the output of "set" to derive the final list of Local Environment variables. Local environment variables are the variables that are local to the current shell.

  5. How can you find out the current Bash Shell's parent process id ?
      • echo $PPID

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1422

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week

GNOME 3.12.2 has been released

Make sure you take a good look at the GNOME 3 cheat sheet
  • This is the second update for GNOME 3.12. Significant fixes in the almost 40 modules that have been updated include :
    • IMAPx changes to evolution-data-server
    • Memory leak fixes in epiphany
    • Windows Live support has been *removed* from Gnome-online-accounts
    • Gnome-shell bug fixes mainly for airplane mode
    • Several fixes for Gnome-Shell-Extensions, GTK+, gvfs, nautilus, totem, tracker & zenity
  • With Microsoft withdrawing support for Windows XP, many Linux distributions are using this as the best opportunity to lure Windows users to the safe world of Linux. Linux Lite [ at least going by the screenshots ] is a safe bet for the first timer who wants to step out of his closed room of Windows and open the door to the beautiful world of Linux.
  • This is rather old news, but worth mentioning it here, I thought. For all your enthusiastic would-be Kernel developers, don't miss out the Eudyptula Challenge. Its a simple challenge which gives you one task to work on. You need to follow all the Linux Kernel Development community guidelines for creating these tasks. This helps to drill you through the real development process. You get your second task only after completing the first. And then the third and so on. Once you have completed 20 tasks, you would be all set and ready to contribute more quality code into Linux Kernel.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1421

This is my first Linux Weekly NewsBytes post. You will find here the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux

Linus Torvalds [ the man who created Linux ] awarded Computer Pioneer Award by IEEE Computer Society

  • The press release by IEEE Computer Society mentions that "Computer Pioneer Award" of 2014 was presented to Linus Torvalds, the man who created Linux. I see this as a recognition of his new approach to create software using open source culture. It actually show cases to the world the real way of creating software. Collaborative and free for anyone to contribute.

Munich City Council migrates 15,000 workers from Windows to Linux

  • This is one news that I loved reading the most this week. It is a great success story that has a great potential to be replicated. And India is certainly the biggest market for such a migration. This initiative was called : LiMux [ Linux in Munich ]. The detailed information in the article shows that it takes a lot of time [ almost 10 years for Munich ] and some real hard Political backing for such a thing to happen. Interestingly enough the deciding factor for this was not Money !!! It was rather a concern for security and a willingness of the Government to promote local companies. They decided that it was much better to send the money to local companies instead of sending it overseas :-)
  • This is the first Ubuntu release that I downloaded and I am still trying it out. I will update more on my learnings from this in some other articles later. Its server image boasts of coming loaded with the latest OpenStack release. This seems to be a good strategy of Ubuntu to move into the Enterprise audience.

[ Since this is my first ever newsletter about Linux, I took the liberty to pick from articles that are earlier to the previous week as well. ]

Monday, May 12, 2014

[Solved] Linux Commands Challenge : 001

Fancy your Linux skills ? Take this challenge and answer these simple 5 questions on Linux Commands.

Update : Added Solutions

Winner : Congratulations to Laxmeesha TV for getting the highest number [ 3 ] of correct solutions.

  1. Which Linux command would you use to replace all the occurrences of "Computer Science" in the file "subjects.list" with “CS”. Make sure you create a backup of the original file as well.
      • sed -i “.bkp” s/“Computer Science”/CS/g subjects.list

  2. What is the command to list all the hidden files of the present working directory ?
      • ls -la

  3. What is the command to list only the first two lines of subjects.list file ?
      • head -2 subjects.list

  4. Print the contents of subjects.list file in reverse order. [ Hint : Cats have tails ]
      • cat subjects.list | tail -r

  5. Which Bash command would you issue on a Linux machine to create a coredump of a running program. [ Hint : The flight was aborted due to bad weather ]
      • kill -6

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 0001

This is my first Linux Weekly NewsBytes post. You will find here the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux

Linus Torvalds [ the man who created Linux ] awarded Computer Pioneer Award by IEEE Computer Society

  • The press release by IEEE Computer Society mentions that "Computer Pioneer Award" of 2014 was presented to Linus Torvalds, the man who created Linux. I see this as a recognition of his new approach to create software using open source culture. It actually show cases to the world the real way of creating software. Collaborative and free for anyone to contribute.

Munich City Council migrates 15,000 workers from Windows to Linux

  • This is one news that I loved reading the most this week. It is a great success story that has a great potential to be replicated. And India is certainly the biggest market for such a migration. This initiative was called : LiMux [ Linux in Munich ]. The detailed information in the article shows that it takes a lot of time [ almost 10 years for Munich ] and some real hard Political backing for such a thing to happen. Interestingly enough the deciding factor for this was not Money !!! It was rather a concern for security and a willingness of the Government to promote local companies. They decided that it was much better to send the money to local companies instead of sending it overseas :-)
  • This is the first Ubuntu release that I downloaded and I am still trying it out. I will update more on my learnings from this in some other articles later. Its server image boasts of coming loaded with the latest OpenStack release. This seems to be a good strategy of Ubuntu to move into the Enterprise audience.

[ Since this is my first ever newsletter about Linux, I took the liberty to pick from articles that are earlier to the previous week as well. ]

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Should I use TLS or SSL ?

The straight forward answer to this question is "use either of them, it does not matter"

SSL [ Secure Socket Layer ] was initially developed by Netscape in 1996 [1] This was called SSL v3.0. It was published by ITEF as RFC 6101

TLS [ Transport Layer Security ] was developed as an upgrade to SSL v3.0. This was published in RFC 2246

The actual protocol difference between TLS and SSL is not very significant. But SSL v3.0 is consider as a weaker protocol than TLS v1.0. Thus, implementations of TLS v1.0 provide a backward compatibility to SSL v3.0 with the risk of reduced security.

As a programmer for secure code, you would use OpenSSL APIs to code. OpenSSL APIs provide the library interface to use TLS [ or SSL ]. Since the protocol implementation details are hidden within the OpenSSL APIs, the programmer need not bother about the underlying protocol. The programmer need not also bother about how this secure layer will be created when devices use different versions of TLS.

Thus when talking about Secure programming, you will see that people usually use TLS and SSL interchangeably. 

TLS wraps over TCP and thus does not worry about data transfer. It is only a authentication protocol. Once it authenticates the client host, it assumes all data to be good and thus does not encrypt data packets.

There is another protocol called IPSec that you can confuse with TLS. 

IPSec stands for Internet Protocol Security where in each packet is encrypted.

As a small tip, remember that 

  1. When you have to connect 2 hosts with a dedicated connection [ aka TCP ] you would use TLS
  2. When you have to connect 2 hosts with a datagram connection [ aka UDP ] you would use IPSec
  3. When you intend to serve client hosts that are unknown to your network [ not trust worthy ] you would rely on TLS to save you with its certificate exchange protocol
  4. When you intend to serve specific clients who are either within your own network or are trusted, you would rely on IPSec