Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week
- [ ] Is UEFI a step in the right direction ? Many are supporting it now. Then, what's the fuss all about ? What problems does it create for Linux ? This article [ pretty old, but relevant ] and this one [ ] gives you a look into behind the doors of the Corporates who are supporting this and their reasons for doing so.
- [ ] Quite an interesting piece of software. Still in the development phase. But, I see this having a lot of potential to become the backend for a great voice recognition tool for Linux. You will then no longer need to remember Linux commands to execute on the shell. Just say it and it gets done for you :-) .. and probably, taking it a bit more further, you just think and it gets done for you :-)
- [ ] A simple list of basic facts about Docker, the new Virtualisation technology that is being embraced by a very wide variety of Enterprise users. RedHat has already released this in its latest RHEL 7.0 version [ For more information : ]
- [ ] Some fantastic news here for the FOSS enthusiasts. Indian government is definitely one of the largest consumers of software in India. And with Kerala leading the way, and Tamil Nadu following suite, this signals good news for FOSS efforts in India. Looks like Windows XP [ or should I say Windows 8 ? ] was a blessing in disguise :)
- [ ] Gone, are the days of cvs and svn. Git is the in thing now. Read through this [ ] post to understand the very basics of using Git. The main purpose of having Git to help with distributed code. To make yourself comfortable with that read this post [ ]. You can then come back to this week's post [ ] to learn some book keeping tasks.
- [ ] MOOC is an acronym for "Massive Open Online Courses" There are a bunch [ actually plenty ] of these online courses being launched [ or already available ] for you. This link mentions courses on Enterprise Computing, Computer Architecture, IT Security, Parallel Programming and many more. All that is needed, is for you to spare some time daily and be steadfast :-)
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